feb 22

Axl Watch

Suckers. Of course Chinese Democracy isn't coming out next month. (Also: that Van Halen tour? Not happening.)

1 comment

I've said it on this site before, but I'm telling you, Chinese Democracy is a prank, a social experiment. Axl turned to gardening long ago and has never taken a single step to record a new album. He is being paid a small stipend to serve as the prop in an ongoing sociology experiment out of UC Berkeley to gauge the effects of long term anticipation and ongoing disappointment with increasing levels of bitterness and loss.

OR, he is now a performance artist and obscure social satirist and the fact that everyone is waiting in vain for Chinese Democracy is actuall a sly nod to the real China and people's futile hopes for it. Social commentary, it is. He is mocking us.

posted by Eric at 11:09 PM on February 22, 2007

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