feb 26

Web 2.0

I've been thinking about the Business 2.0 story that I linked to last week about 25 Web 2.0 Companies to Watch. Of those listed, the ones I would bet on include Meebo, Blip.TV, and maybe StumbledUpon. That's it. So what would I bet on? Twitter and Stickam, which weren't even mentioned.


re: Blip.TV
I have the following bookmark folders for video content:
Television (sites for t.v. programs I like), YouTube Channels, Video Blogs, Internet Video, and Television on Internet (sites that either host or link to t.v. shows). Will Blip.TV and other sites to follow necessitate an Internet on Television folder?

posted by rockafeeler at 1:52 AM on February 27, 2007

I rarely use stickam anymore due to the average age of users dropping to around 16 in the last 6 mos. I believe it will be a great tool. It is a lot more stable now than it was 6 mos. ago.

posted by taulpaul at 6:28 PM on March 1, 2007

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