may 7

Strib Layoffs

Back home (where I'll be visiting next weekend), the Star-Tribune is laying off 145 employees (via voluntary buy-outs). What used to be one of the most respected papers in the nation has been slowly dismantled over the past few years. So sad. [via]


What I don't get is the plan to ask columnists to go back to the beat and report stories instead. I can't understand why the columnists can't report AND write the columns at the same time.

posted by pr9000 at 1:40 PM on May 8, 2007

Why don't newspaper owners think they have a "new product" -- now more of a local media company than the actual newspaper -- and give these things the funding and support they need to adapt?

Getting rid of those people that produce content, instead of focusing on new ways to deliver it (personalized to specific neighborhoods?), just serves to alienate young readers (like me) and kills these things off quicker.

posted by Bleeding Red Star at 7:06 PM on May 9, 2007

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