So I sorta know Derek Powazek. Or rather, I met him once at a Fray event, where we talked about hot dogs and Alaska. I suppose that means I just barely know him. I've never met Heather Champ, but everyone talks about her like a superstar, so I sorta feel like I know her, because that's how the internet works. I have, however, hung out with Paul Cloutier a few times. He's really nice. I like him. His wife, Alana Jackson, is funny and sharp. As with a lot of creative people in the Valley, Paul and Alana make me wish I lived in San Francisco. I sorta hate them for that. A few months ago, I very drunkenly told Paul this at the Rocketboom party at SXSW, which was a little embarrassing. By now, you may be asking: who the fuck am I talking about? I'm talking about a handful of people associated with this thing called JPG Magazine, which blew up into a gigantic fracas this week. I was just going to let it slide by, but then noticed Alana has responded. I'm only linking to it now because I assume many of you never heard the other side, and she makes some interesting points about how the internet makes us think we know people.