sep 6

New Tees

People have been asking me for new t-shirt links, but I've been feeling bored with them. It seems the best we can do lately is "Helvetica" tees not in Helvetica. Ha. That said, I'm really into this one right now, probably because it's even less funny. It's so dumb that it sorta seems to be critiquing the entire history of witty, ironic t-shirts. Gnome sayin? [via]


Sometimes a gnome is just a gnome. Gnome sayin'?

posted by Angry Red Hat Lady at 5:53 PM on September 6, 2007

fyi, this is the best shirt.

posted by Kevin Kee at 3:07 AM on September 7, 2007

I laughed out loud at the gnome tee, but I've got some kind of viral infection right now and should not be an arbiter of taste or humor.

posted by Kurtis Scaletta at 4:06 PM on September 7, 2007

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