New Orifice
No matter how hard you try, sometimes you can't stop yourself from linking to The Onion: Pornography-Desensitized Populace Demands New Orifice To Look At.
No matter how hard you try, sometimes you can't stop yourself from linking to The Onion: Pornography-Desensitized Populace Demands New Orifice To Look At.
this was mentioned on "this american life" last week during the piece on the onion (yes, i listen to npr.) and paul and i were in the car and we both laughed really hard.
what i want to know is, do people just read the headlines like me, or do they actually read the story thats attached to it?
posted by kittyholmes at 11:15 PM on February 21, 2008
I scan. Maybe read the whole thing 30% of the time. (Which about the same rate that I read a blog.)
posted by Rex at 11:20 PM on February 21, 2008
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