Dear god, Jay-Z's cover of "Wonderwall" at Glastonbury sounds even worse than the drunken caterwauling you can hear every night at St Marks karaoke bars. [via]
Dear god, Jay-Z's cover of "Wonderwall" at Glastonbury sounds even worse than the drunken caterwauling you can hear every night at St Marks karaoke bars. [via]
haha.. reminds me of the prince line: about tone deaf rappers... "Pack the house and try to sing/there won't be no one left."
Seriously, I get the feeling he's not even trying to do the melody, like it's a superfluous part of the song. Sheesh.
posted by alesh at 3:21 PM on June 29, 2008
It was meant to sound like that. He was taking the piss out of all the press attention that had been saying Glastonbury festival is about bands like Oasis, and that Jay Z shouldn't be headlining the Friday night.
posted by Sam R at 3:57 PM on June 29, 2008
I don't buy the "meant to sound like that" argument, in the sense that it's true that the tone-deaf renditions are purposely awful, yet they're supposed to be for shits and giggles and are not actually meant to anger the listener.
I will never get over "Playa Hater" by Notorious B.I.G. for this reason, because it has both Biggie AND Puffy trying to sing so terribly. It's a joke, but the joke is on us.
posted by Brian Van at 5:58 PM on June 29, 2008
You fucking people. Jay wasn't singing Wonderwall, he was singling along. Of course Hova is madferrit; Oasis is hip hop, Madchester style: blinging out in Burberry, rocking Man City jerseys, sampling the Beatles.
posted by stevemarsh at 2:29 PM on June 30, 2008
Singling along.
posted by stevemarsh at 2:38 PM on June 30, 2008
Uh, I take my comment back. Just listened to the whole set. Jay-Z did 99 Problems immediately after Wonderwall, so I think he pretty much called Noel a bitch.
posted by stevemarsh at 5:20 PM on June 30, 2008
I will still defend my Oasis is Hip Hop theory though. For the standard 2 drink minimum. Twitter me.
posted by stevemarsh at 5:55 PM on June 30, 2008
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