jul 7

Fox News on Fox News

After Fox News was exposed for doctoring photos of NYT reporters, David Carr writes at length about the difficulty of covering the network.


"[Jacques Steinberg's] article acknowledged that while CNN was using a dynamic election to push Fox News from behind, Fox was still No. 1. Despite repeated calls, the public relations people at Fox News did not return his requests for comment. (In a neat trick, while they were ignoring his calls, they e-mailed his boss asking why they had not heard from him.)"

Neat trick? Are you nuts?! Bill Moyers said in a recent Fox-related sting that no journalist is an honest man, and I'm starting to believe him. "Neat and completely soulless," it should read.

posted by Kev at 11:04 AM on July 7, 2008

Correction: Bill Moyers said "I'm not a classy guy, I'm a reporter."


posted by Kev at 2:24 PM on July 7, 2008

Correction #2: "I'm not a classy guy, I'm a reporter. You know what we reporters are like." More relevant quote.

posted by Kev at 2:38 PM on July 7, 2008

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