aug 4

Would Would Mad Men Do?

And... two more, bringing the total to four: What Would Roger Sterling Do? and What Would Pete Campbell Do? Update: and within 24 hours, the entire meme implodes: What Would The Disappointed Mohawk Air Exec Do?


In other news, season two... slow so far, right?

posted by Rex at 7:54 PM on August 4, 2008

Just when I was thinking the same about these Tumblrs... Lisanti speaks up.

posted by krucoff at 9:27 PM on August 4, 2008

f that. this one has legs (and a long history).

believe nick d posted a WWDDD image a long while ago

too many characters too many pithy throw-away lines.

i smell a book deal coming before labor day

will the real don draper please stand up?

posted by glitch at 12:10 AM on August 5, 2008

Well, a book deal with need buy-in from Mad Men itself.

In fact, I'm surprised no one has yet asked if AMC itself is behind any of these Tumblrs.

posted by Rex at 12:21 AM on August 5, 2008

I thought the first episode was kinda slow, but the second one was the bomb. Pete's becoming increasingly creepy. Peggy is too. and Sterling had some awesome lines...

posted by marrina at 11:22 AM on August 5, 2008

Not to beat a dead horse, but Bertram Cooper would've been a great one. Take off your shoes. Read Ayn Rand.

He had a great quote in Season one when he was talking with Don about not firing Pete Campbell because of his family connections. Something to the effect of "If you want to behind-the-scenes, sometimes you have to see how the sausage is made."

posted by Justin at 12:28 PM on August 5, 2008

Season 1 was also slow for the first three episodes.

Also. Haven't heard this anywhere else, so you know the Lucky Strike "It's Toasted" scene from the first season? Now, every time they smoke ie all the friggin time i think of Luckies. Best product placement ad EVER, and for a product that isn't legally allowed to advertise?!

posted by alesh at 7:59 PM on August 5, 2008

I'm not sure, but I don't think that was a real (paid) product placement.

posted by Rex at 8:04 PM on August 5, 2008

I have no evidence, but as a former smoker *I* sure feel like running out for a pack when I watch MM.

And am I the only one that gets a little emotional during some of Draper's presentations? Sure, Kodak. But the "It's Toasted" thing was a really important moment early in the series that told audiences what that aspect of the show was going to be about. It was HUGE, and it's significant that it applied to a REAL brand.

I say the placement (and ALL subsequent smoking on the show) make anyone more likely to smoke, and more likely to smoke Luckies.

SO. If it's not "real (paid)" product placement, it's such a generous freebie that... Well, I doubt much of anything this important on MM would be accidental. They mix fictitious and real brands liberally -- surely there's a reason why they do one or the other, and the respective brands are involved in some way -- wouldn't it be naive to think no money was changing hands?

posted by alesh at 10:57 PM on August 5, 2008

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