aug 12

The Return of

In an otherwise random Variety story about Tina Brown's upcoming startup, this line about PaidContent's Rafat Ali is buried: "an alum who is reviving the online destination as part of an overall expansion." This headline should read: HOLY FUCK, INSIDE.COM IS COMING BACK. (I'm guessing it will be in a vastly different form, but still.)


Did you actually ever like it, or just the idea of it?

On the other hand, if the concept worked as they hoped maybe we'd have been spared all those 2.0 "social media" tards.

posted by at 11:35 AM on August 12, 2008

Yeah, I sorta loved it. It certainly had its faults -- the feature writing lagged, it fell too far to the left of the media/technology divide, etc -- but I would love a magazine like that to exist today. What's even close to it? Fast Company certainly isn't there... Wired is great, but it still has the west coast utopian idealism that needs some east coast cynicism to balance it out.

posted by Rex at 11:38 AM on August 12, 2008

i thought it was really good, but when they went to a subscription model, it was useless. i remember being pissed because alex pappademas was writing some really amazing stuff for other sites around that time, and then he vanished behind paywall.

posted by adm at 3:41 PM on August 12, 2008

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