aug 30


You never see the word "anarchist" in print, unless the Republicans are in town. Police are raiding houses in Minneapolis right now, rounding up activists who police say have criminal intent (with buckets of urine and machetes -- medieval!). I'll be in Minneapolis/St. Paul all week, trying to track down all these crazies (bandannas and ties -- they're both just regrettable attire to me). Updates on Fimoc will be light, but I'll point you to other places I'm writing throughout the week.


I wrote a couple long papers on Bakunin and Gramsci in college. I haven't used the word "anarchist" since the bastards killed Wellstone.

posted by Rex at 2:46 PM on August 30, 2008

I got into an interesting argument about anarchy in the pub this evening. Care to define?

posted by Alan at 5:19 PM on September 2, 2008

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