jan 5
Bill O'Riley Is Gay
Breaking news from Fox News' Twitter. Looks like someone hacked it. Update #1: It's deleted. It said "Bill O'Riley Is Gay." Update #2: Britney Spears and Rick Sanchez also hacked. [via]
Breaking news from Fox News' Twitter. Looks like someone hacked it. Update #1: It's deleted. It said "Bill O'Riley Is Gay." Update #2: Britney Spears and Rick Sanchez also hacked. [via]
and it is gone already.
"That page doesn't exist!"
posted by Larry at 12:42 PM on January 5, 2009
I archived them here on my flickr page. Rick Sanchez and Britney Spears got hit too.
posted by mat at 12:56 PM on January 5, 2009
Huffpost too.
posted by mat at 1:32 PM on January 5, 2009
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