jan 22

Microsoft Lays Off 5%

Microsoft laying off 5,000 of its 94,000 employees. Approximately two-thirds of MSFT's workforce is in Seattle -- I haven't seen anyone state if all the lay-offs will be there.


My step dad work at the ol' Great Plains in Fargo, and mentioned that there were some long faces, but not an outright bloodbath.

The trusty Forum seems to confirm that: http://www.inforum.com/event/article/id/228698/

posted by RiskeBiz at 10:42 PM on January 22, 2009

According to the news, actually most of the employees layed off are those working with H1B visas, so it will be a hard time for those professional holding H1B's, where most of them are from asian countries like India, China, Singapore.. etc.

Nuvi - Microsoft Exchange Server

posted by Nuvi at 12:08 PM on February 2, 2009

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