jan 24


n+1 has released an online-only book review: n1br. Included: luminous Molly reviewing Playboy: The Complete Centerfolds. "The first thing that strike the casual reader is the anatomical variety among bunnies. Nipples, for one thing. Some are as big as cupcakes, others are the size of a penny. They are occasionally erect and come in a range of colors as varied as drugstore lipsticks. Pubic hair is another delight to behold, appearing first in 1971 and thriving until 1997. Gauzy coronas of pubic hair, technicolor dreampubes of every shade. You forget how assertive a healthy growth of hair can look. It comes as a pleasant shock in the midst of a creamy-smooth expanse."

1 comment

Bunnies were the ones working the clubs, not the centerfolds in the mag.

posted by Peter Feld at 11:42 AM on January 24, 2009

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