feb 25

Slumdog Boingillionaire

Get used to hearing it everywhere, kids: Freida Pinto.


Are we supposed to get used to hearing "boing-illionaire?" Because I'd like to get used to hearing that.

posted by Jason DeRusha at 5:36 PM on February 25, 2009


Have you seen the movie, what's your take on it ? .. seems like a regular India song and dance flick to me. Nothing unusual, grappling to understand the buzz about it. Perhaps amidst all the gloom (read economy) the WWW needs a happy flick.

- mags

posted by mags at 11:54 PM on February 25, 2009

I thought Slumdog was well made, but it was too dark for me. Here's the review on my blog:


posted by Stuff at 9:27 AM on February 26, 2009

Definitely not a typical Bollywood movie with the songs or dance. in fact, major Bollywood figures don't really consider it an Indian film at all...too stereotypical apparently.

posted by CN at 3:41 AM on March 2, 2009

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