We Are Hunted
We Are Hunted, a billboard chart for the P2P Generation. It develops a daily chart of the 99 most popular songs on social networks, forums, music blogs, torrents, and twitter.
We Are Hunted, a billboard chart for the P2P Generation. It develops a daily chart of the 99 most popular songs on social networks, forums, music blogs, torrents, and twitter.
This is very cool. Due to the fact that I only recognize 3 out of the top 9 artists for today, I guess I'm not on top of music as much as I thought I was.
Also, I wonder where the images for each artist/song come from?
posted by ShellMedia at 10:32 AM on April 17, 2009
I'm actually really curious as to how this works. I'd imagine it only scrapes data from a handful of public trackers, and utilizes sites like hypem.com and elbo.ws for mp3 blogs.
posted by ShellMedia at 10:35 AM on April 17, 2009
neat link. this site points out the developers at we are hunted have some work to do: http://musformation.com/2009/04/we-are-hunted-cultural-barometer-or-not-yet-up-to-the-task.html
posted by audrey at 12:31 PM on April 17, 2009
What does it say about me if I don't know any of this music? I'm guessing it's a dead giveaway that I'm 41 but I thought my kids were keeping me abreast of the latest flavors. Maybe my kids are dweebs.
posted by ronpadz at 2:04 PM on April 17, 2009
ronpadz, with social media and the thousands of music blogs out there, there are so many bands gaining (varying degrees of) exposure every single day, it's pretty much impossible to stay on top of this stuff anymore. I read my share of music blogs and spend more time than I probably should on a few different music forums, which is the only reason I even have a bit of knowledge regarding new artists.
posted by ShellMedia at 3:09 PM on April 17, 2009
I saw this on Digg but somehow now looking at the frontpage I've never heard or seen any of that, in fact there's an anime cartoon on one of them..how accurate could this really be?
posted by Television Spy at 11:42 AM on April 19, 2009
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