jul 14

Death of YouTube/AutoTune

Jay-Z made that "Death of Auto-Tune" thing into a video? Why does he look like Lenny Kravitz in it? And why is there a poker match in the middle? [via Faris, who has an "augmented" version]


Good concept but it would've been nice if there was a real song in there somewhere, not just a guy stating his opinions to a beat.

Wait, that's a whole genre of music? Oh.

posted by BradOFarrell at 10:44 PM on July 14, 2009

Lenny Kravitz? How so? Both are black dudes, that's the only resemblance I see.

Oh and Brad? Dissing hip hop as a genre got old in 1986.

posted by Ariele at 11:42 PM on July 14, 2009

It's the hair & sunglasses thing he has more in the first half.

posted by Rex at 11:54 PM on July 14, 2009

Have you ever seen a rap music video before? Of course there's a poker match in the middle of it.

And he looks more like John Legend than Lenny Kravitz. Brush up on your BET.

posted by chi/lake at 1:36 PM on July 15, 2009

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