nov 3

Crowd Sourcing A Tagging Essay

I have an idea for an essay that connects new services Twitter Lists and Gawker Forums. In one sense, these are merely extensions of tagging and folksonomies popularized by Flickr and Delicious. But there's something else going on here: tagging not just as taxonomy but as content generation.

But I don't have time to write this essay, so someone please do it for me.

(See also: Twitter, Outlines, Lists, Directories, Y!ou.)


(If anyone is wondering -- and why would you? -- I've taken on several new projects. Most of these will be launching in January-March, so this site will be light on updates until then.)

posted by Rex at 9:32 AM on November 3, 2009

you might be in luck:

posted by John Ratcliffe-Lee at 4:04 AM on November 4, 2009

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