mar 8

We're All Looking At The Oscars The Wrong Way

It wasn't just the first time a woman has won Best Director (and then take Best Picture). It's the first time a woman has been able to shove that shit in her ex's face and go "See? I am better than you." Kathryn Bigelow is literally the best director of 2009. Fuck you and your little blue suicide-inducing Na'vi, James Cameron. --DG


By your reasoning, Crash is literally the best film of 2004. Also, it was fairly clear that even Cameron wanted Bigelow to win.

I really enjoyed watching Bigelow win last night, but not for any retributive reasons.

posted by crazymonk at 4:43 PM on March 8, 2010

I loved how this is blown into some overblown, redemptive bullshit when those involved are long moved on and over it and are actually supporting each other.

And neither deserved the statue.

posted by Chris L at 5:53 PM on March 8, 2010

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