mar 8

Gould's Book

NYC The Tumblr:

Well, when Rex Sorgatz was asked a while back, How bad do you anticipate Gould's book will be? Rex said he was still gathering his thoughts. In the meantime, Publishers Weekly have gathered theirs: "On the strength of an exposé she wrote for the New York Times Magazine two years ago about her experience working at, Gould, hailing from Silver Spring, Md., and now in her late 20s, delivers a series of 11 insipid essays about her uninspired youth and general lack of motivation or talent for various jobs she took after moving to New York City. The writing seems intentionally bland, as if Gould is attempting to be blasé."

Rex, have you gathered your thoughts yet? As someone from around the Silver Spring area myself, I can promise there is not much else to do besides listen to Liz Phair and then go to Kenyon (Oberlin). Also, haven't read the book, but based on what I've read of Gould's work, I don't think that being blasé is "intentional" as in something she's faking...shit is genetically imprinted. Not bland though: How can the person who made the Internet coin the term "overshare" be bland? --DG

1 comment

I have so many thoughts!

This may be weird (or utterly predictable), but again I'm more interested in how other people react to it than in having my own opinion about it. I've talked to several people about it now, and I feel like every perspective has been precisely what I imagined they would think, though not necessarily in a bad way, just exactly how I'd guess it to be perceived.

As I said earlier, I found the book surprising, but I am completely unsurprised by how everyone else feels about it (which varies a lot, btw).

This is the review I want someone to write. I don't really care what NYTBR or Publisher's Weekly says.

Someone needs to get Leon on this.

posted by Rex at 8:48 PM on March 8, 2010

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