jul 12
If You Needed Another Sign About The End Of Weekli
Mark Coatney, of the much-beloved Newsweek Tumblr, is quitting to go work for... Tumblr.
Mark Coatney, of the much-beloved Newsweek Tumblr, is quitting to go work for... Tumblr.
Runs deaf-led BSL courses at all levels from BSL awareness to advanced BSL. Contains course details and dates.
posted by flexprotex at 5:44 PM on July 12, 2010
This is one of the creepier linkbait spammers I've encountered at Fimoculous.com in a good long while.
Next post: What poem will be read at George Steinbrenner's funeral?
posted by CRZ at 2:57 PM on July 14, 2010
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