nov 28


 A new paper is coming to NYC:

The paper, likely to be called The New York Sun, will be edited by former Forward editor in chief Seth Lipsky along with his protégé, Ira Stoll, the editor of, a Web site known for its critiques of The New York Times. has assembled what is basically a best/worst internet practices (what they called "good and bad contingency design"): Design Not Found.

 What ever happened to Mondo 2000? R. U. Sirius recounts. Wait, what ever happened to R. U. Sirus? He's back. Who cares? The SF Gate does.

 Steven Johnson (founder of Feed) has a new book out, Emergence, and this quote from a interview sounds like a replica of the thesis of the book I was writing:

I hope that the book isn't taken as an argument purely against planning. There certainly are situations where top-down solutions are excellent and appropriate, but I think that there are a hundred thousand books written about top-down solutions to things and great-men theories of why things happen and Emergence is one of a developing, nice little library of books that are about the opposite approach.

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