dec 12

a stopover in williston

 I don't know about you, but November's Great Moments in Logic at kept me rivetted (a new logician every day!). They're now archived. is still acting goofy. (Does anyone know what Carl is doing?)

 Something goofy is always going on over at McSweeney's. "Sentences I Wish I Hadn't Written" includes "A stopover in Williston, North Dakota, therefore, may be in order."

 Yes, hm, I was just thinking that I should do some freelance work: How To Pitch To Maxim. Ugh.

 Phil is being really slow to add to, but there's a few new friends. (This one, who's originally from Fargo, now works for The Onion.)

 Sometimes, I wake up late at night with Flash envy. No, really. I said really.

 NYTimes: Engineers Ask Nature for Design Advice.

 Shakespearean Insult Generator. "Thou goatish fen-sucked bladder!"

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