jan 12


 Did you know that Kandahar is the homosexual capital of south Asia?

 A sad day for Minneapolis: The Museum of Questionable Medical Devises, which is one of the first places I take Twin Cities visitors, is closing. The collection is being handed over to the Science Museum of Minnesota. IanWhitney.com has pics.

 What the West owes to the people of the Arab and Islamic world: A is for Arabs

 I think Bush perjured himself, and had relations with that man.

 Make your own joke: Bill Gates dresses up as Harry Potter.

 From McSweeney's: On The Implausibility Of The Death Star's Trash Compactor.

 Phil is holding Madonnaramma II (at Ralph's in Fargo on Valentine's Day).

 What happens when Wittgenstein designs a house.

 Google has ended an AIMsearch prank. Search here -- but you had better get to it by Monday, when it will disappear.

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