feb 11


 I haven't yet decided if I'll officially sign up at Netflix, but I like this page of DVD Easter Eggs.

 Sure, there's no word for it in English, but do They Have A Word For It? I like the Russian word razbliuto, "feeling for ex-love," and the Bantu word mbuki-mvuki, "to undress to dance." What's that Steve Martin line...? "The French, they have a word for everything."

 Why don't you send twatcaller an AIM and see what s/he says. (And if you're of the programmer persuasion, how to make AIM bots.)

 Get me out of this box!

 The newest issue of Tin House (on newsstands now) is completely dedicated to music. I haven't read much of it yet, but Andrew Hultkrans on the Beach Boys looks good.

 And, oh yeah, Rosie is coming out of the closet.

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