jun 26

changin times

 Zowie. Porn Music Radio (totally safe for work, unless your boss don't like the funk).

 A couple years ago, I once had an idea for a convergence tv show called Quick Decisions. You would watch brief scenarios of ethical situations on television, and then go to the web to vote on what you would do in that situation. Maxim, of all places, has something similar.


 Michael Goldberg puts Eminem in his place: How Can So Many Critics Be Wrong About Eminem?

 I think the world is either going through a great epistemological hiccup, or something's screwed up at MIT, but six of the top ten hottest sites right now at Blogdex are in Persian. Or Farsi, if you prefer. (This could easily change by the time you see this. But it doesn't matter, cuz at this hour, the times they are a'changin.)

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