jul 16

nice fork

 The History Of Utensils.

 Did you know there is an American Psycho 2 staring Shatner? Now you do. Of course, it never hit theaters and is straight-to-video. Available on DVD this week, to the demented.

 It's good to know that a book that slams Amazon.com is available on Amazon.com.

 Versimilitude, man. Bravo TV in the U.K. has a new program called The World's Deadliest Gangs. The website tries to fake you into thinking you're chatting with a thug from L.A.

 North Dakota gets its first winery.

 Speaking of Dakota, those kids at Agricouture have a new issue out, packed with good stuff.

 There was a time when I thought Mission to Burma's "That's When I Reach for My Revolver" might be the best song of all time. For whatever reason, I haven't cared about their reunion, but Salon.com has a good look back.

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