aug 7


 When did I become a technophile? I'm thinking about buying a ReplayTV 4500 just cuz I can hook it up to the internet (anything with a internet connection = good). But becuz I can hook it up to the internet, not only can I program it remotely, but I can go to PlanetReplay and download episodes of Sex and the City from other ReplayTV users. So there. I'm not a technophile -- it's really still about cultcha. Or, well, sex.

 Excellent McSweeney's list: Lessons Learned from My Study of Literature.

 Two new neat blogs: Don't Link To Us!, a blog about stupid linking policies. The Trademark Blog, about the world of trademark protection.

 I wish I had the idea to make a music video that was really an infographic.

 The Chronicle of Higher Education has a pretty dull story about the shared history of punk and the academe.

 Before you click, just think to yourself, "What would Adam Sandler's website look like?" Okay, now click.

 Salon does its homework and collects some astoundingly bad domain names that were forged at the height of dot-com-stupidity. But of course the question is: how much longer until joins 'em?

 Pure geek: the new WC3 specs for XHTML 2.0 are out. As you were...

 Some teases of next season's Buffy.

 The Times and Herbert Muschamp are preparing their vision of the future of Ground Zero.

 I refuse to link to any Bruce Springsteen reviews.

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