feb 3


 Long Boston Globe Mag story about how Google is changing inter-personal relations.

 Apparently, an upcoming new media/economy magazine: Tekka.

 The American Prospect calls us the the "McSweeney's generation" in this piece about Dave Eggers.

 We're the "Maxim generation" in this Times piece from last week about writing a beer ad song.

 Pitchfork douses the new Zwan album with a 4.8 outta 10.

 Forget the Segway, I want a Corbin.

 Chronicle of Higher Education: Cyborgs in the humanities.

 The Guide To Fascist Websites For Children.

 Well, this won't be Crispin Glover's big come-back movie: Willard. Also starring Laura Elena Harring (the brunette in Mulholland Drive).

 Ten Second Films.

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