apr 15

google gluttons

 If you worked at Google, your chef would be the former chef for the Grateful Dead, Charlie Ayers. And here's what your lunch and dinner menus would look like. Gluttons.

 CIA psyops created a version of Coolio's "Gangster's Paradise" with a "satirical" rap about Saddam over the top. Those funny psyops! Radio Tikrit has been playing it, and now you can hear it. This... this... this is freedom.

 Is it interesting that the media has chosen to not talk about The Onion during the war? After 9/11, there was a slew of pro-Onion media analysis, but there hasn't been a single Onion story during the war. Instead, The Daily Show seems to be getting the attention.

 I wonder if Saddam used to subscribe to Dragon magazine? I think so. Maybe in between gigs as a gay porn star. Guys with mustaches get no respect.

 A gallery of chicks with guitars. Just cuz.

 Someone is trying to create a weblog tv pilot.

 The Said al-Sahaf soundmixer.

 Has anyone else noticed that A&L Daily is really dull since The Chronicle took over? Just saying.

 My own personal Minnesota celeb siting: Josh Hartnett drinks coffee at the same Starbucks I do. Straight, black coffee and an OJ to go. Drives an Audi. I used to see him around town a lot in his medium-famous days, but it's been a while. Looks like he was back in town for this.

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