apr 20


I was really gonna redesign this dumb blog this weekend. It needs a makeover so bad. But then I got drunk at the post-Fisherspooner party, stumbled home at 4 a.m., and watched DVDs on the red couch the rest of the weekend. Blame decadence.

 The DVD for Disinformation, the Sci-Fi Channel miniseries that includes interviews with weirdos like Grant Morrison, Howard Bloom, Genesis P-Orridge, and Douglas Rushkoff, is now available.

 Complete collection of the NY Times audio commentary album showcases.

 Madonna's new children's books: moral tales based upon the Cabbala. Mama don't preach.

 Newly-discovered sites devoted to authors: JG Ballard | Brett Easton Ellis.

 L.A. Times piece on the history of the remote control.

 Well-known Iranian blogger/journalist arrested.

 Metafilter thread on the whereabouts of Salam Pax.

 The Times pays last rites to Buffy. Also, pics from the wrap party (which, somewhat suspiciously, lack Sarah Michelle).

 Nokia to put digital artists on cell phones.

 Google's PageRank formula: PR(A) = (1-d) + d (PR(T1) /C(T1) + ... + PR(Tn) /C(Tn) ). Also, The Google AdWords Happening.

 Headline filter: Irish pub kickstarts Kabul nightlife.

 Is it true? Grand Theft Auto, multiplayer. From the site: "When Grand Theft Auto 3 was in development it's makers wanted to have a multiplayer function included in the game. Sadly and due to unknown reasons the multiplayer function was not implemented in the retail version of Grand Theft Auto 3. Although the feature was not in the product, the lines of code for the multiplayer were not removed. This opened possibilities for us to enable a multiplayer feature."

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