jul 13

big sunday


 Does anyone out there have Trio TV? Is it any good?

 Good profile of Alyson Hannigan. Did you know she was marrying the guy who played Wesley in Buffy/Angel?


 New Prince album, available only via download on MSN.

 AOL to sell CDs and DVDs.

 Some dumb study says that your music collection says alot about you. Yeah, like I buy too much music.

 Jon Pareles at the Times follows up the WSJ report about Dylan's "plagiarism."

 Courtney Love interview.


 Reality tv and online dating services are forging partnerships.

 I sat down and read an entire issue of Radar this weekend, surprised at how much I enjoyed it -- sort of a cross between Brill's Content and Entertainment Weekly and New York Daily News. I recommend Michael Savage's homoerotic past, the "Die, Hipster, Die" tirade, and Emily Nussbaum's analysis of IM and human interaction.

 CJR's Rethinking Objectivity. Made waves, but pretty dull.

 Crazy pics of Britney Spears in W magazine.

 Raines on Charlie Rose: I was forced out.

 Washington Post is launching one of those free weeklies too.


 Not something we needed: The New Criterion Weblog. What would Eliot think?

 Times on James Bond and Nietzsche: Thus Spake 007.

 NY Daily News story on people who willfully don't use cell phones. Cretins.

 Daniel Dennett really thinks he's bright.

 The Literary Freud.


 CP last week had a good review of By Brakhage DVD.

 The Guardian looks at the legacy of Bruce Lee in Hong Kong.

 The Stranger: How To Watch The Cremaster Cycle. Plus another Matthew Barney interview.


 Frank Lloyd Wright gas station breaks ground. No gas.


 Top 10 Summer Cocktails. No surprises.

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