aug 20

sexy wsj


 Those crazies at are having an amateur photo contest: sexiest photo of someone reading The Wall Street Journal. I so want to enter.

 It can't be a good sign that Paul Krassner's new column in the New York Press is better than Stephen King's new column in Entertainment Weekly (no link). Actually, no, that is a good sign.


 Connect the dots: NY Times analysis of David Byrne's PowerPoint universe, which is available through the book Envisioning Emotional Epistemological Information, a take-off of a classic by Tufte, who recently released The Cognitive Style of Powerpoint. In Wired, here's David Byrne and Edward Tufte talking about their projects.


 I clicked on a banner ad! Something on the Wired Newsletter said "Technology Is Changing Sex" and clicking on it brough me to TechTV's Wired For Sex program page.

 Post: FCC to Allow Video on AOL Messenger.


 The Victorian Sex Cry Generator.


 Flash Pac-Man.


 The Decalogue came out on DVD yesterday. So did Bowling for Columbine and Roger & Me.

 So Tara Reid gets drunk and fucks around? How can this be news in Hollywood?


 Gawker talks about Chuck's upcoming Esquire interview with Britney.


 'Edgy' Language Invading The Comics.

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