sep 29

new media


 Interfacing media, democracy, and social software into one important cluster, two big recent publication in my industry that everyone should care about: New Directions for News' We Media | Douglas Rushkoff's Open Source Democracy. I spent my weekend devouring these.

 Red Herring on social networking software.

 OJR's sprawling interview with the principal scientist behind Google News has many good tidbits.


 Rolling Stone interviews Wesley Clark.

 Steven Johnson took the small idea of the web generating strategies to campaigning and called them mob spots. In praxis, he crated an ad for Clark's campaign.

 The Bush Regime Card Deck.


 The new Strokes album really is all that. (It's not out until Oct. 28, but if you look around you might find it.)

 The Onion interviews Stuart Murdoch of Belle and Sebastian.

 Did you see the New Yorker anti-RIAA cover this week?


 Of course it makes sense that Vice is now appearing in the Style section. The Antic Muse rants.

 Is Jack Black as over-exposed as Britney? That's my theory. Long profile in the NY Times Mag. (And a School Of Rock Blog.)


 Gigantic archive of the writings of Edward Said.


 Yeah, yeah, yeah... the new Matrix trailers are up.


 Simpsons: If They Mated.


 Former Minneapolitan, David Carr, now at The New York Times, interviewed in Mpls St. Paul Magazine.

 The Rake interviews another ex-local, Al Franken.

 I'd like to be the CJ of the online world. For instance: I spied Buy-Me-A-Beer and MinneapolisHappyHour in deep conversation at the Sound Unseen opening party. Could there be a merger in the works?

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