tv nation
WaPo introduces new vlogging software called Vlog It. Looks interesting. (Sidenote: have we already reached a consensus to call it vlogging?)
New site: Mappr. Uses Flickr API to map out recently uploaded photos.
DESIGN has redesigned. I like the colors, but not the double-horizontal subnav. It's unfortunate that the blog component got bumped over to the far-left rail.
You watch Arrested Development, right? Of course you do, but did you know that Portia de Rossi is shacking with Ellen DeGeneres right now? Of course you did, but did you know that Will Arnett is married to Amy Poehler? Of course you did. Nevermind then.
Because of the timely intersection of three things -- new year's prognostications, last week's CES, and the ascendency of vlogging -- everyone is talking about The Future of Television. It's impossible to link to all the buzz-buzzing right now, but here are a couple: Buzzmachine has a post on how to explode your tv in four easy steps and The Long Tail has one about distribution models. And there's Steven Johnson reflecting on what he wrote in Emergence. As always, LostRemote has a constant flow or related links.
Diablo Cody writes about Project Runway, my current fave show. I love it when Heidi Klum pushes the losers off the stage with an Auf Wiedersehen that has twice the gravitas of Trump's You're Fired.
The sheet music to Super Mario Brothers.
Sasha in The New Yorker: When I'm Sixty-Four.
Letterman: Top Ten Proposed Changes At CBS News.
OJR has a good roundup of the business and legal complexities of the online distribution of the homemade tsunami video. sent out its most-viewed stories of 2004 via email. Here's the list:
- Magazine: The Girls Next Door (January 25)
- Magazine: Without a Doubt (October 17)
- Friendly Fire: The Birth of an Anti-Kerry Ad (August 20)
- Movie Review | 'Fahrenheit 9/11': Unruly Scorn Leaves Room for Restraint, but Not a Lot (June 23)
- Frank Rich: On 'Moral Values,' It's Blue in a Landslide (November 14)
- Iraq Videotape Shows the Decapitation of an American (May 12)
- How the White House Embraced Disputed Arms Intelligence (October 3)
- Huge Cache of Explosives Vanished From Site in Iraq (October 25)
- Editorial: John Kerry for President (October 17)
- How Scientists and Victims Watched Helplessly (December 31)
According to CP, TCF Bank pulled advertising from the Star Tribune after the Nick Coleman column that criticized the blog Power Line.
CP blurb on the Ron Jeremy appearance.
Add Mark Cuban to the people complaining about Randy Moss.