aug 14



Yeah, Trump has one now too.

Comedy Central starts a blog, with links to videos.

Blogebrity: Kottke interview.

G.W. Bush: Podcaster.


Aeon Flux trailer, starring Charlize Theron and Frances McDormand.

The trailer to Doom would seem to suggest that movies based upon first-person-shooter games completely miss the point. See also:

Ebert gives his most-hated films.

Titles Designed By Saul Bass.


The new Green Day video is getting a surprising round of accolades.

New White Stripes video.


Joss Whedon loves Veronica Mars too. See, I told you.

Engadget has pics of TiVo's upcoming download service. Looks like the first partner will be IFC, which is awesome because they happen to not be part of my Time-Warner cable package.


NYT Mag is excited about cryovacking (sous vide).

I've been talking a lot again about trying to start a restaurant. I'm rather enamored by this idea to mix tv and dining, although it would play horribly in Minneapolis, which has the lowest tv-viewing rates per capita in the nation.


Rumor: Technorati about to be sold. Debate ensues on whether its to Google or Yahoo, while DataMining watches the rumor spread.

Rumor: Google and Apple to partner. Apple stocks rise.

Google halts Google Print. BoingBoing gathers some reactions.

Elizabeth Spiers and Danah Boyd were on To The Point for an episode on Google and security.


NYTBR: Brett Easton Ellis reading from Lunar Park. Here's the review.

NYT looks at the change in books being stocked at airports (more smart non-fiction).


is that avril lavigne in that green day video? hehe, it's like their november rain :D they should have gotten angelina jolie for aeon flux instead... maybe for the sequel!? oh and veronica mars, is that like kim possible?

posted by Anonymous at 11:08 PM on August 14, 2005

saul bass titles, fuck! thank you. i'm gonna be up all night...

posted by cherrybomb at 11:22 PM on August 14, 2005

about that green day video. pure propaganda. remember george will's election 2004 epiphanies?? -- In 2000, Americans were reminded that electoral votes select presidents. In 2004, Democrats were reminded that Bruce Springsteen does not. -- or green day. i definitely don't want to formulate any opinion on war or any other hugely political issue based on what green day guys push in a video. i know war sucks, and already i know they don't support it. they should just stick to rockin. ok then.

posted by me again at 11:44 PM on August 14, 2005

the ebert link dont be workin yo

posted by Anonymous at 9:28 AM on August 16, 2005

ebert link changed to:

posted by chris at 1:40 PM on August 16, 2005 has a press release about Extraordinary Machine, the OFFICIAL release in October!

posted by J. J. at 5:46 PM on August 16, 2005

Um. I didn't read all of the posts, but someone said it was Avril Lavigne. It's not. Rather, it is the chick from the low-budget film Thirteen. The girl who plays Tracy; Evan Rachel Wood. Thought you'd care to know this.

posted by Sara at 3:54 PM on May 13, 2006

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